Friday, July 6, 2012


It's been almost a month, but I honestly don't feel bad since it's vacation basically and I've been doing nothing but taking care of Hubble. Well not exactly nothing since I've been the one cleaning and cooking now that I am home all day and Kristen suddenly decided that she needed to work 30-40 hours a week. Which actually is really good right now since we have 26.98 in the bank before we went to go see The Amazing Spider-Man tonight. So yeah we're actually even poorer. But no fear, she is putting in a paycheck tomorrow so hopefully we'll make it to the start of the school year where we'll get my next installment from my student loans. Anyway my life these days revolves around taking care of the kitten which as Sara can attest young care is a full time job. He's so needy he should be a she. I play D3 and LoL as well. That's about it. When Kristen is home she watches TV. She's been on an Olympic match spree as well as the usual sit coms etc etc etc. We've been trying to do social things like ward activities and going out to see movies and the occasional dinner with friends etc etc. We have gotten to go out with another medical student and his wife several times. It's funny that even though there are plenty of other medical students that are LDS the people we hang out with the most aren't particularly religious. Anyway we're all set to come down and see Sam during his wedding. Funny how less than a year ago it was Kristen and I and now I've done a year of medical school and have been married for over 6 months. This is Hubble in Kristen's hair after a bath. This is Hubble's first night here still so little trying to eat some soft(ish) food Hubble getting soft store bought cat food and obviously still trying to learn how to eat it correctly This last one is just him and I