Sunday, July 14, 2013


So basically I'm at the point in my life that all weeks are starting to run together. I don't know what I did, or when I did it. This week, last week, it's all the same. Big things this week. I finally got a new phone. I needed something to get all the medical apps people are expecting me to bring to the hospital. Way too many books have been being carried around for such a little effect. Hopefully this phone situation will improve things tremendously. I got a Galaxy SIII not the cheapest phone but pretty cheap and affordable while being able to do the things I need for it to do. I participated in several minor surgeries this week as well. I participated in a punch biopsy of suspected melenoma in a lady's foot. I basically injected anesthetia in to her foot then used a screwdriver like device to cut a circle around it... cut out the connective tissue keeping it on, then sowed her back up afterwards. There were two lesions technically. Dr. Baxter did one lesion and I did the other. Mine might have bleed a bit more than his, but we got it together in the end. The next surgery was a cyst on a lady's back we extracted. that was pretty cool but nasty at the same time. I also have been seeing more and more patients by myself to help Dr. Baxter keep up with his schedule. Since his nurse practitioner retired a few weeks ago, he's been very busy. We get done ~20-25 visits a day. It's kind of exhausting in the end but fun. I see a lot of the members of the church in his office. For everyone that is reading this I do have a new email address... That is the email address linked to my phone. I didn't want to be getting a whole lot of spam on my phone when it should be mostly for important, non-gaming type of things. So I got it, you guys are blessed to be previe to this occasion so I am graciously inviting you to partake of it. Gratiuito We had the missionaries over last night and they told us to watch this movie called Unicorn City, by the makers of Napoleon Dynamite. It was so bad it was pretty good. For one watching. Never again. You guys have to see it. It's about LARPing etc. Embarrassing comment of the week was brought to you by Kristen Morrill. We were talking about something I don't remember what and she made some comment about the Morrill boys being horny... don't remember why she said that. But let's just say that out of everyone in this relationship here, someone is definitely more ... biased towards the intimiate relationships, than the other... and it isn't me. So anyway she said that and I looked at here at raised my eyebrows and was like," my family is horny?" She got a little shy then. I have made a new friend here in the area apparently. A pharmacist at the hospital is in EQ. We talk if we are in lunch together, which is about once a week. I am still playing LoL, and it turns out that my soon to be brother-in-law is one that plays that game as well. So we'll see how that goes. Still looking for a new hobby. It's a hard life. Now that we're out of school for the most part, not a lot of ppl getting on our old games together. I guess everyone has heard about the zimmerman case and the results. I am almost ready to get off facebook permenantly because people all seem to know exactly what is the truth and push it on others. I can't stand the hubris of people lately. Funny that the previous sentence just came from me. But it's true. The more I learn, the more I want to go off into the wilderness and watch civilization burn... I don't know that much else has happened. Oh yeah Kristen and I did go across the big scary bridge that heads into Washington and went to check out a sandcastle competition. It was pretty nice. there were a couple of "master" class teams out there. I don't know which one won since we left a bit before they were actually judged. But blame Kristen. She was reminder to take a jacket etc. and everything, but when the time came to actually go of course she forgets. She even refused to use my jacket for most of it till she got too cold to withstand it all. She finally caved in at the end and wanted it. Still it was a nice adventure before she leaves and abandons me for Texas.


  1. WOW! Lots of new stuff this week.

    1. I like when you talk about your job. Especially because you sound happy. That's good.

    2. I have no idea the context of the embarrassing comment of the week, but if I were to guess I'd say the Morrill boys are pretty randy (moreso than other men). Also, you say Kristen is the biased one when it comes to the intimate relationships? Newsflash, so are you. Just in a different way (ya know, the other end of the spectrum ;)).

    3. What is LoL? You should read books! Helloooo hobby. Dresden Files. I just started the first book and think there is potential.

    4. Soon-to-be brother-in-law?? Don't tell me I'm SO outta the loop that I wasn't told that Sarah's getting married! I'm really hoping you are referring to Kristen's sister's soon-to-be husband. Which would be Kristen's brother-in-law. And your sister-in-law's husband.

    5. Yeah, Zimmerman. You won't catch me saying anything about that. Sheesh. People. I agree with you on that one.

  2. I'm a lazy slob who won't sign out of Jacob's email and into mine to comment on your blog. This is Sara ;)
