Sunday, October 30, 2011


I don't know about you, but it seems like to me women always win and men, well we pick up the pieces. This doesn't even have to be a bad thing, just how life is in general. As many of you know I'm engaged to a lovely young lady Kristen Bond; and while maybe I might have been seen as pushy and my way or the highway before. I can assure you that is no longer the case. Every since we started dating, I have not been able to win with Kristen. Not that we fight or anything, but if she asks she gets. While I ask, I get the big "N" word. I once tried to keep a secret from Kristen, that lasted about as long as it took her to start cuddling with me.

Women... let the guys win sometimes =D.

This is brought up mainly about a conversation Kristen and I had last night. While I won't reveal the details of said conversation right now (since she'd kill me if I did) let it be known that she revealed the tiniest bit of information. That drives me crazy!!!! I'm a physicist first off! I thrive on curiosity and learning. You can say the most random thing to me, and if I find it interesting I'll want to know more. No matter how personal or irrelevant it is to the point. So basically last night Kristen made a comment about herself that I found very interesting and very curious about! So naturally she basically ended the conversation right there. That's like duct taping an ADD kid to a chair. I'm left to my own devices to try to figure it out, or worse yet cook up my imagination to try to sort through it and all.

I guess all that is left is for me to fight back and torture her by misusing information. My only problem is this backfires every time!

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