Friday, December 23, 2011

Real Life after Marriage

Well, one day out of a lot in, and it has turned out to be nothing like I thought it was going to be. Although let's be honest, the sex is great. We basically spent the day just like everyone else. We got up, afterwards we went to her parent's house to open gifts and basically do nothing for the late morning early afternoon. After we took a short nap, we went to go play football in Alvin. Because that is exactly what Kristen wants to do on the day after we get married, I played flag football! After football we went to eat dinner with my family and look at a variety of different photos from Thanksgiving and our wedding/reception.
Things must be looking pretty grim for Kristen these days. Welcome to married life.


  1. It was nothing like you thought? Surprise surprise. But things are not grim! That all sounded super fun and I'm so so jeallll (I don't think the abbrev counts when it's the same amount of letters as the original word...)

  2. lol well definitely not grim for me, but she might not enjoy powerball like the rest of the family, or deathball, or soccer =) although it is nice to see I'm not writing these out to the middle of no where lol

  3. No, not middle of nowhere. But I did just go back to find I've missed a few of your posts (remedied because I finally added you to the blogs I follow). But of course, reading those only left me questioning. Oh, well, I'll take what I can get ;)
