Monday, November 7, 2011


The craziness of medical school is thus: 45 hours of out of classroom studying(after class gets over) during the week, followed by 16 hours of studying/day in the weekend. That's 77 hours of studying out of class. That is crazy, but the craziness is worse. During the testing phase this morning the questions fell into 3 distinct categories.
  1. I memorized that information and it's easy
  2. I can recall looking at that but I don't remember
  3. Have I ever even seen that acronym?
This morning about 50 questions fell into the first question, 45 into the second question, and the last 15 into the 3rd category. 31.5 wrong questions is a 70%, so now we get the waiting game. But at least we have that done now. Not too bad for only 6 hours of sleep and one "discussion" with the fiance till 3 in the morning. That'll be next post promise

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