Sunday, November 13, 2011


This weekend has left me more confused and less capable of know about everything than before. As thing run down for the night, I look back at what I accomplished. I finished 2 sections of what was taught to us. The physiology section as well as the membrane section(mostly). I also spent a lot of time talking to Kristen this weekend. Kristen and I seemed to make huge steps in our relationship as last post would have suggested, she leaves me more confused as ever. I think that my time management was well spent, I know everything has it's time and place and medical school it's more about the school than anything else. I just look back and think about where I grew this weekend and where I fell back; my accomplishments and let downs. It was certainly an ambiguous weekend.

Trying to find a right balance amiss of so many odds and ends, I try to find the balance, but sometimes maybe where the balance needs to be isn't where I want it to be. I will work on this

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