Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gearing Up

I never thought I could be overwhelmed with material like I am now. I assumed that even though there is a boat load of material to go over, we'd at least be given some direction in our studies. The MCBM(The Molecular and Cellular Basis of Medicine) class is completely out of control. 5-8 hours of lecture a day 5 days a week with about 6 hours of time to study(on average) the material. With 4-5 professors for each test I am on the brink of insanity! Only 1 or 2 have given input on how to study, or what material is important for the test(no, telling us to know all material does not help us students out). Most of life is now taking a backseat to MCBM. I don't even remember what food taste like anymore :P

But seriously, I thought life was exhausting before, I can understand a lot more of the blogs I have read about medical students and their lives. No wonder divorce rates and unhappy ending of relationships in medical school are so high. I feel like I'm having an affair with my class. Is it wrong, that when I'm married, for me to spend all day with my "mistress" only to go home to the wife at 11:30? Because unfortunately Kristen cannot tell me to get ride of her.

Has anyone ever had a relationship like that? Someone you really didn't like, a girl perhaps that wasn't good for you, but when she said come over and be with you, you just couldn't say no?
No matter what something just drew you to her/him? Every time afterwards you were like never again. But deep inside you knew that you'd be going back?
Yeah that's me and MCBM. No matter how much I want to end it and just go back to Kristen there she is in my mind, and I know late at night I'll be going to her, hating myself the whole time. I curse you MCBM, I curse you; but oh how I love you too!

Isn't life funny that way, spending all your time with things you cannot stand! Chalk it p to one more oxymoron in life!

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