Monday, November 28, 2011

To Do

Why is it you are either super busy or there is absolutely nothing to do? Can you not have a healthy medium world? Thanksgiving Break was supposed to be a nice time to relax and not do stuff. But in reality like every other break, to me at least, it is a super bored or super busy type of polarization. Maybe I just need to have a reality check or something, but that's how I feel a lot. It's like the summer break, at the end of the school year you're just dying to have nothing to do; and it lasts about 2 weeks tops before you're gorging your eyes out of boredom. Maybe it's just because Kristen was up here this weekend and suddenly the life of Zac turned into the life of Kristen and Zac, and Zac cannot be greedy and lazy like he always wants to be.

Going to have to get used to this I think. Because I don't see things getting any better for like... idk eternity =), got to learn to cope and adapt to the way people normally live I guess.

I've been spoiled my whole life. It's not fair...

Sorry Zac

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